Sunday, August 17, 2008

Ode to the Offensive Linemen

I have heard the Ode to the Offensive Linemen a number of times over the years, and they are all true. There are a number of verions out there, but this one, I think, may say it the best. Here's to you, offensive linemen!

Offensive Linemen,

I am an offensive lineman
You will not see my picture on posters in young boy’s rooms.
You will not see boys wearing my number on replica jerseys.
I am an offensive lineman.

If I do my job, you will hear the crowd cheer
for the man carrying the ball.
You will be amazed at the statistics
my quarterback and running backs achieve.
My team will be successful. If I don’t do my job,
you will hear my coach complain to me.
You will hear fans complain about
my poor effort and lack of ability.
My team will fail.
I am an offensive lineman.

I am part of a corp of dedicated athletes.
Practice is harder for me.
Sprints are not easy for me like those of swift feet.
Conditioning asks more of me than those who touch the ball.
I do not complain.
It is my back on which the team depends.
I must work harder - I have more responsibility.
I am an offensive lineman.

I do not play a talent position.
I play a skill position.
Talent players see their names in the paper.
'The line did a great job tonight'
the talented player says in the paper.
You see, I have no name.
I am an offensive lineman.

I hold no grudge for the accolades given to my backs.
They are my teammates.
Their achievement is my reward.
I am a member of a corp of dedicated athletes.

I do not thrive on personal praise, glory or recognition.
I am satisfied with the companionship, loyalty
and cooperation of my fellow offensive linemen.
Achieving honor together is greater
than anything I can accomplish myself.
I am proud of the job I do and I am proud of the job WE do.
What others do for personal glory I do for my team’s triumph.
I'll never complain.
I will endure whatever is necessary so that
My team, My school and My community will be celebrated.
I am an offensive lineman

May God continue to bless you.

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